Looking for Digital Learning Month 2021 Blog Contributors
The Noblesville Schools Departments of Learning and Technology are recruiting blog contributors to the NS Digital Learning Month blog for 2021. Here is how it works.
- Choose a day in February for your blog post to publish. All voices welcome! Sign up here.
- Kristin Patrick adds each contributor as a blog editor in Blogger.
- Accept Invitation in Blogger.
- Click on the post labeled with the blog post title you proposed.
- Compose a blog post related to digital learning. Here are some ideas for content:
- Making the most of Google apps
- Collaborating with colleagues using Canvas LMS
- Customizing your Clever Teacher Page
- Managing digital workflow with students
- Connecting with families using technology
- Recommending a text, resource, or organization for professional support
- Edit the blog post the same way you would edit a Google Doc or Microsoft Word document. Photographs, videos, graphics, and screencasts encouraged.
- Save your post but do NOT publish. Kristin will take care of scheduling posts on specific dates.
- Share your blog post with friends and on social media once published!
Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash
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