Meet Digital Learning Leader Andy Swickheimer

Andy Swickheimer

Director of Technology

This is Andy's 23rd year with Noblesville Schools.

Share a technology memory from when you were PreK-12 school age

I still remember walking into the computer for the first time in elementary school. Our school had just purchased a set of Apple IIe computers and we were able to use them to play games like the Oregon Trail and Appleworks. I think I died of dysentery more than anyone else!

eBooks or printed books
I like both! I usually prefer printed books because I like to mark up the pages and highlight. I also find myself sharing books on a regular basis. eBooks are a great option if I want to get something quickly.

Favorite app for listening to music

Favorite streaming service
Netflix and HBO Max

Funny Google Meet or Zoom mishap since the beginning of the pandemic
I have a labrador retriever that at times demands attention. I can’t tell you how many Zoom calls she made a guest appearance in.

Advice for new teachers or teachers wanting to gain confidence teaching with technology

Start small by using technology with a current instructional practice. If you typically use Google Slides or PowerPoint with direct instruction, give Nearpod a try. Create a short video and upload it to YouTube then share it with your students. Once you master some simple ways to enhance your existing instructional practices, then try and move on to more advanced moves. Create a self-directed playlist of instructional videos with an online discussion board. FInd ways to give students more autonomy and opportunities to master content in a personalized way.

Advice for teachers making eLearning Day plans
Keep it simple and stick to tools you’re familiar with. Make sure you have clear instructions on how to get started and how students will demonstrate mastery. Give students multiple ways to engage with the content including collaborative opportunities culminating with some sort of end of lesson assignment.

Favorite Canvas feature or tip or trick
I’m a big fan of discussions. Learning is social and the discussions feature gives students so many ways to share their learning with peers. It can also be a great way for reluctant students to express their thoughts in a low risk environment.
